Do you have students who can’t sit still in class? Do you have a child that can’t sit to do homework?  I had students who struggled to sit in the classroom and I realized one day that if I allowed them to stand and work off the bookcase, they were more focused and behavior significantly improved. When my son was little, he’d eat better if he could stand at the dining room table. It also minimized trips to the hospital after he fell out of his chair.

And as for myself, I can’t sit to focus. I actually create a standing station in my office with a lap desk on top of the desk and in a hotel room by placing an upside down drawer on the desk. I put my laptop on top of the drawer.

Then, there’s the problem of overcrowded classrooms. What if we asked for volunteers to stand during the secondary class period and removed some desks. The video below explains how standing stations might be the best solution for antsy students or overcrowding in the classroom!