Nine Critical Steps to RTI1. Establish an RTI team made up of teacher leaders representing a cross section of staff. Buy-in comes when vocal teacher leaders are on board.

2. Identify students in need.

3. Identify the area of need.

4. Administration must support, expect, and fund implementation.

5. Make time for training and implementation a priority.

6. Put assessment procedures in place; train teachers and expect implementation.

7. Train teachers in flexible grouping, station teaching and differentiated instruction; expect implementation and document progress.

8. Ensure that teaches have access to support systems; coaching, mentoring, teaching resources, and problem solving sessions.

9. Affirm teachers who are making progress, guide and nurture relationships with teachers who struggle to implement, and document resistance.

RTI Strategies for Secondary TeachersFor more information on differentiation and Response to Intervention, see Susan Fitzell’s book, RTI Strategies for Secondary Teachers.

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