Does Co-teaching Work?

Well, here's the nitty-gritty: No matter what the research says, the label is often wrong. What I mean by that is: School districts who put two teachers in an 'inclusive' classroom can CALL it co-teaching, yet, it may not be CO-teaching at all. And, if it is called co-teaching on paper simply because two bodies are in the room and it doesn't work, it's decided that Co-teaching does not work. Read the article for what does work.

What does an Inclusive, Differentiated Classroom Look Like?

What does an inclusive, differentiated classroom look like? You'll see: Ongoing, immediate assessment, flexible grouping, chunked lesson plans, movement strategies, collaboration and teamwork, and a variety of research-based strategies. You'll hear higher order thinking and songs, rhymes and chants as mnemonic devices. You'll see: Really Terrific Instruction! RTI

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