Co-teaching models: Changing it up

In co-teaching, the “one teach, one support” co-teaching model is pretty familiar. Yet, the same teacher tends to take on one of those roles permanently, while the other teacher takes the other role. Often, the subject matter expert or general education teacher handles “one teach” while the support teacher who is working with the students who are on an IEP handles “one support.”

Co-teaching Models: One Teach, One Collect Data

A frequently used co-teaching model is “One Teach, One Support” or, by another name, “One Teach, One Observe.” This is one of several effective ways to co-teach that allows for flexibility in teaching methods: it can help teachers learn to work together smoothly as they observe each other’s teaching styles; teachers can switch quickly between the teacher and support/observer roles; and they can transition quickly into the next chunk of the class period, such as moving from direct instruction to student implementation.

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