As a parent who has spent my children’s lifetimes trying to teach them how to learn, I was very excited when I walked into my daughter’s college apartment and found mind-maps, mnemonics, color, etc. all over one of her walls.

Mind-mapping through Engineering Courses

Mind-mapping through Engineering Courses

Now, it’s not unusual to find mandalas on her door or on her walls, or flash cards scattered about, but this was a huge mind-map made from recycled 8.5 X 11″ pieces of paper. I had to get a picture and I’m going to attach it to this post so that you can see it. I have no idea what it all means, but I do know it helped her to get an A in the course.  As some of you know, Shivahn co-wrote a book with me, Umm…Studying? What’s that?  so it feels good to me to know that she didn’t ‘just’ write the book, she also uses the strategies that she shares with other teens.

Have a great day. It was hailing-raining here today and I have to finish a book that I’m writing on motivating students. I’ll be presenting a webinar: How Can School & Home Develop Motivation and Success for Youth? February 26th



Ummm, Studying? What's That?For more information about study strategies for your student, see Susan Fitzell’s book, Ummm, Studying? What’s That?. Available in both print and electronic versions!

Bring Susan to your campus or parent organization!

Featured seminarUmm Studying? What’s That? Learning Strategies for the Overwhelmed and Confused College and Secondary Education Student