Ever have a hard time remembering dates, names, and places? For many people, it is hard to remember very specific details.  Unfortunately, it is part of a student’s life to know these details for tests and projects.

One surefire way to help students remember more important details when taking tests is to first make sure they are taking good notes!  The following are some good note-taking strategies to make studying (and remembering!) a little easier:

  • Print information to be memorized.
  • Use two different colored markers or pens when working, alternating the color of each fact in your notes. Color makes facts stand out as unique. If your notes are all in one color, nothing stands out as unique and everything is harder to remember.
  • Highlight (Just not the whole paragraph!)
  • Alternate color gel pens, markers, crayons, etc.
  • Border key vocabulary words, people, places, etc. (Draw a box around key words)

From Umm, Studying?  What’s That? by Susan Gingras Fitzell