Music Education

Using Music in Conflict Education

Just as music can be used to help students memorize vocabulary words or math rules, music can be a dynamic and creative way to teach concepts of peace, cooperation, and sharing. Also, children’s music often addresses these concepts.

For older students, however, using music as a learning tool may seem childish.  Still, I think that where appropriate, it can be presented in a way that is acceptable to the group.  As long as the teacher is comfortable with the medium and is able to address any objections with humor, it can be successful way to teach conflict resolution.

There is even popular adult music that may be more appealing to older students that deals with peace, tolerance, and world harmony, although this music may be more difficult to find than children’s songs. Lyrics of these songs can be a great springboard for discussion.

The following organizations are networks of musicians who offer themselves as a resource:

• People’s Music Network for Songs of Freedom and Struggle,
• Freedom Song Network (FSN),
• The Children’s Music Network,

Internet Resources:
• Children’s Music Web,
• Songs for Social Change,

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