co-teaching model

#13 Both Teach Half—Same Objective, Same Way – The HOW of Co-teaching

This implementation clearly describes the Parallel Teaching co-teaching model. Each co-teacher takes half the class and instructs the students, using the same methods, to teach the same content. They are working together in parallel.

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Specialist expertise required: Depends on the goal of the co-teaching implementation. If the specialist is facilitating review or discussion, moderate content understanding is necessary. If the specialist is teaching concepts critical to understanding the lesson’s objective, then the specialist will need a solid understanding of the concepts he or she will be teaching.

Planning time required: This implementation requires planning time. Planning can be done face-to-face or in the cloud. Teachers need to plan together to ensure they are both teaching the same objective in the same way. Communication is essential to ensure they both agree on what they are trying to achieve as it relates to the curriculum.

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