#15 Teach Half, Then Switch—Pre-Teach or Enrich

Support struggling students, as well as your high achievers, using this co-teaching implementation. Twenty minutes, twice a week can accelerate students while maximizing the talents of specialists, paraprofessionals, and teachers in the classroom.

Specialist expertise required: Minimal to moderate knowledge in the content area. If the specialist is pre-teaching vocabulary, content knowledge is not critical. If the specialist is teaching concepts critical to understanding the lesson’s objective, he or she will need a solid understanding of the concepts. For enrichment activities, the specialist will need to know how to facilitate the activity without giving students too much assistance.

Planning time required: Each teacher prepares the lesson(s) he or she is teaching to his or her half of the class. Communication is essential to ensure both teachers agree on what they are trying to achieve as it relates to the curriculum.

Best Practices in Co-teaching & CollaborationExplore even more tips, tools, and resources for collaboration at TheHowofCo-teaching.com!

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